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Elite FC

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Elite FC FAQ

 Elite FC FAQ's

Staff for this year
Posted in May


Elite FC Mission Statement

The Elite Football Club was established to provide players in Northwest Columbus with an opportunity to play competitive soccer with great coaching.  The club's main focus is to develop the player's skill and passion for the game of soccer.  The club provides an elite soccer experience with great coaching while keeping player fees affordable. 

About Elite FC
The Elite FC Soccer Club was a brainstorm of two high school boys from Youngstown, Ohio. Marc Kirsch developed the idea of Elite FC during his high school years. In 1999 the idea became a reality. Kirsch started the club to provide opportunity for high school boys to play in the spring season. The club had two teams during the spring of 1999. The first youth team was added in the fall of 1999. In the fall of 2000 Elite FC moved from Delaware, Ohio to Marysville, Ohio. The club then took off with many youth teams and high school aged teams. The growth was due to the great coaching staff, low fees, and family style environment that Elite FC tries to foster amongst all their teams.  This club has teams from U8-U23 with 45+ teams and around 650 players with nearly every age group having two or three teams within the same gender. The club has sent many players onto playing for their high school teams and also onto the college ranks to play.  Elite FC has one state Championship, one state finalist, and a few state semifinalists.  Elite also has 3 presidents cup championships. The teams play in Buckeye Premier, Central Ohio Premier,  National Premier League, and Ohio Champions League.  The mission of the club is to provide an Elite soccer experience with high level coaching, challenging enjoyable training, and playing the highest level competition for each team.  

Elite FC runs Shelly Park,7250 Watkins rd in Ostrander which is the main fields of the club.  The park has quick access from Dublin, Powell, Plain City, Delaware, and Marysville located between all 5 towns.  Shelly Park is 30 acre soccer only park with irrigation and hosts games and practices.   Elite also uses parks in Marysville. 
Some of the youngest teams train at parks in Marysville


The Elite FC club fees vary between depending on the level and program that your athlete is enrolled in. These fees cover player state registration fees, coaching, insurance, field maintenance, and 2-3 tournaments a season.  
Playing fees should not be a barrier to any child interested in travel soccer. If your player is interested in playing but cannot meet the financial requirements listed above,  please let us know and we will try to make accommodations.

Our current coaching staff includes current high school and college coaches, former college soccer players, as well as former professional players.   Elite FC coaches are selected based on their abilities to help develop proper soccer skills, communicate with the players, the temperament to control themselves in competitive game situations, dedication to the sport and their team, and teach team tactics.

Team Managers
Elite FC team managers are the business and organizational part of each team. They are responsible for scheduling and attending all team events, arranging out-of-town accommodations, assisting at team practices as needed, and to make sure there is good communication between team parents and the coach. They take care of all organizational issues, freeing up the coach to concentrate on coaching and making all decisions about playing time, positions, game tactics, and training.

For many years it has been the goal of the club to have all of our teams outfitted in the same uniform. This gives us a consistent club image across all age groups and gives us tremendous buying power with our vendors.  Elite FC has partnered with Adidas due to their superior quality and affordable price. Each player needs two jerseys, one pair of shorts and one pairs of socks that are purchased through Soccer Village.  At the end of the season, the players keep all items. Additional items such as extra game socks and club apparel may be purchased if desired from Soccer Village.  The code for uniforms is efc22.  

Most teams practice 2 - 4 times per week, less if games are scheduled.  Practice length is usually 1 to 2 hours in length depending on the age.  Outdoor practices will usually begin in the early spring as weather permits, although some of our teams play a year-round schedule and start activities in the fall.

The number of tournaments a team plays will be determined by the coach. Most Elite FC teams play 1 - 3 fall tournaments and 2 - 3 spring tournaments. On average teams will play 5 tournaments each year although some teams will play more. These trips make for good weekend vacations, and help the players (and parents) come together as a team. Everyone has a lot of fun.

Playing Time
It is our policy that all players selected for a team will play. However, this does not mean that playing time will be equal or even that every player will play in every game. Playing time is determined by the coach and will depend on a variety of factors including skill, attitude, commitment, and conduct. Players may not get to play the position of their own choosing; it is the coach’s job to position players where they can best help the team.

Players are expected to exhibit a commitment to the team and put forth effort at practices and games. Commitment (attendance) and effort can effect playing time. We recognize that players and families may have conflicts on occasion that will keep them away for practice. The manager or coach should be informed of these conflicts ahead of time.

Contact Us

Elite FC

7250 Watkins Rd 
Ostrander, Ohio 43061

Phone: 614-546-7667
Email: [email protected]

Elite FC

7250 Watkins Rd 
Ostrander, Ohio 43061

Phone: 614-546-7667
Email: [email protected]
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